Project Partner Contact Information
A listing of the Folly Hall Mill project partners, with contact information.
Huddersfield Civic Society
The Huddersfield Civic Society is associated with the National Civic Trust movement and aims to encourage high standards of architecture and town planning.
The society wishes to stimulate public interest and pride in caring for the town in the tasteful treatment of its existing buildings
and in the improvements of its amenities.

Jaytee Group
Jay Tee Group is now a well established and respected company within the construction industry.
The group provides a bespoke construction, contracting, developer, joint venture, planning and design service
to a diverse customer base throughout Yorkshire and the north of England.

Northern Legacy CIC
Northern Legacy CIC is a not-for-profit social enterprise company whose remit is to document social and environmental change.
Its projects typically integrate videography, still photography, visual narrative and oral testimony.
Northern Legacy generates highly creative outcomes, with a strong commitment to technical, visual and imaginative qualities that give its products added value.

Heritage Lottery Fund
The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) was set up by Parliament in 1994 to give grants to a wide range of projects involving
the local, regional and national heritage of the United Kingdom. The HLF distributes a share of the money raised by the National Lottery for Good Causes.
